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Archive for February, 2012

Barnes Teen Murder Case Falling Out Of Public Spotlight: Slave Mentality Hindering Investigation In Promising Kid’s Killing

The Social Media “Buzz’ that was sparked by the murder of Monroe, North Carolina honors teen Phylicia Barnes appear to have lost it’s steam. Many say the lack of interest in recent months is directly related to what the public views as an easy case, and a crime that should have been solved by now.

Dark Cloud Hoovers Whitney Houston’s Homegoing: Bobby Brown And His Children Snubbed At Late Ex-Wife’s Funeral

It should be stated that my intentions are not to overshadow the life and memory of the late Songstress Whitney Houston, but rather an effort on my part to understand the events that were allowed to occur at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey. This incident creates a hell of a stigmatization upon

The Killing Of Innocence: Alabama’s 16th Street Church Bombing Was Most Horrific Race Crime Of Entire Civil Rights Era

 A Black History Month Series Nearly 50 years ago little children were preparing for Sunday school Class when tragedy struck a blow to the very core of God fearing people. The bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama rocked the consciousness of our entire nation, established a new low in cowardness, and took the lives

When Betrayal Comes: Shadows From The Past Lurking For Demise

Some People said that I would never make it. They said that I was undeserving of success and that there was no good within me. They said that I would never live to be 21 years old and that my life would come to a violent end one day. They said I was void on

Who Was Emmett Till?: Chicago Youth’ Murder Was Catalyst For Civil Rights Movement

Many African Americans are unaware of the story of Emmett Till and how his murder fueled what would eventually become the “Civil Rights Movement”. Till was a 14 year old from Chicago visiting family in Money, Mississippi. Many historians believe that the brutal murder of  Emmett is what motivated black people to began fighting for

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