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Archive for January, 2011

$25K Fur For Cab Ride: Is The American Dream A Bust?

They say the economy is bad right now, but I still see people driving around in Lexus Sedans, Lamborginis, wearing Rolex Watches, and a trip to any local Night Spot is like a scene out of the popular T.V. Series Entourage. More and more society appears to be concern with Social Popularity, Status Symbolism, and

Baltimore’s Darkness Revealed Once Again: Honor Teen Phylicia Barnes Vanishes In Mean City Streets

Like many Urban towns in America Baltimore City is not immune from the Societal Ills that permeates predominate African American Communities. The trash, broken glass thrown allies, rat and rodent infested dwellings, decaying buildings, and graffiti filled scenic backdrop depicts the City’s subcultural acceptance of lawlessness, and degraded living by it’s Citizens. Not just that,

The Fall Of Another Educated Black Man: “Perverted Late Night Telephone Stalker Revealed”

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem (In the Name of God) It is said in the Holy Quran that the Muslim who conceals the faults of another Muslim, that on the Day of Judgement God would conceal one of his faults. That being said my narrative will exclude the name of my fallen Beloved Brother. You

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